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Strategies of Preservice Teachers to Negotiate English Teaching Practices at Remote Areas


Febi Puspitasari, Joko Nurkamto, Diah Kristina


Poor condition and facilities of English Classroom at remote area promoted the negotiation of learning to solve problems. This narrative study is aimed at exposing strategies of preservice teachers of SM3T in the negotiation process of English learning. The research utilized diaries and interview transcripts of four teachers from Pidie Jaya and Sumba. Finding shows that teachers used interpersonal (IPS) and instructional strategies (IS) in the negotiation proccess. In Pidie Jaya, IPSs were speaking the local language and asking a help of the local people while ISs were learning groups and familiarizing learning activities. In Sumba, teachers used language adjustment, establishing rapport and informal communication as IPSs as well as buddy teaching and take-home tasks as ISs. It contributes to the cross-cultural approach in designing English teaching program for remote areas. 
Keywords: EFL, Remote areas, Negotiation of learning


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